Rocky Mountain Rickey vs. Sweet Tea Lemonade
Jul 07, 2022
By Truett Hanes
It isn't a matter of "IF" these limited-time flavors sell out, it's a matter of "WHEN."
The weatherman keeps warning us of some record-breaking heat waves coming our way over the course of July... well, what better way to cool down and recharge other than drinking either our Western-favorite Rocky Mountain Rickey flavor or our Eastern pride Sweet Tea Lemonade flavor? Quick answer: there ISN'T a better way as these flavors bring a whole new meaning to the word - REFRESHING.
But you're here because you want to know which flavor is right for YOU.
Well, here goes a brief and tasty description of each flavor to see which one best matches your tastebuds fantasies:
Rocky Mountain Rickey: Candy Grape with a hint of freshly-squeezed lime will satisfy any and all grape-lovers, Gatorade-lovers, juice-lovers, soda-lovers and truthfully... anyone who loves a refreshing and fruity drink. This flavor is for YOU!
Sweet Tea Lemonade: You've heard it before, but worthy of repeat: 50% Sweet Tea, 50% Lemonade and 100% DELICIOUS! We tried over and over to get this flavor right; thankfully our product team is full of legends that simply don't understand the word "QUIT," so we finally made what all sweet tea lemonade lovers cry tears of joy over.... Not to mention, it's sugar-free. Perfectly sweet and more refreshing than an IV, this flavor makes every sweltering-hot July day as cool as the other side of the pillow upon each sip.
The truth? You can't go wrong with these two July-only flavors. Both offer 200mg of clean and smooth caffeine, 0g of sugar and the most pleasing taste you could ever imagine. However, the mistake you can make is waiting too long to try them for yourself as these have only been available for a few days, yet they're close to being sold out... That's right, they're THAT good.
Don't allow the heat to affect your decision-making abilities, but cool down with some ice-cold Rocky Mountain Rickey and/or Sweet Tea Lemonade before it's too late.
You're welcome in advance.