How To Use Mtn Ops Yeti
May 25, 2022
By Matt Davis
YETI is MTN OPS explosive pre-workout that has been specifically designed and formulated to provide long lasting energy in the gym and during high intensity workouts.
While many Pre-Workouts are simply heaping scoops of stimulants that neither aid in nor deliver any actual benefits, other than tingly skin, YETI was created to provide energy for long periods of time by improving blood flow and flooding your muscles with essential vitamins. Not only will you feel driven and focused during your workouts, you’ll set yourself up to recover sooner and put yourself on the fast track to crushing your goals.
YETI for the GYM:
“Pre” means before, which means for best results you’ll want to consume your YETI 20-30 minutes prior to physical activity. This allows your body to begin distributing the nutrients to your body and by the time you’re walking through the gym doors, your body is now beginning to process the pre-workout and fuel your workout.
Because your body relies on blood flow to distribute the ingredient, taking time to get your heart rate up by doing cardio, stretching, etc. will amplify the overall feeling you experience with YETI and ensure you’re warm, loose and ready to get after it.
YETI for the Mountain:
It doesn’t matter if you’re on the stair-master training for a big hunt or hike or on the mountain actually doing it.. YETI excels both in the gym and on the mountain.
While there are pre-workout additives in YETI, those same nutrients help fuel, hydrate and improve your body’s stamina, all while saturating your muscles to aid in recovery and reduce soreness.
Whether you’re hiking Kilimanjaro or hauling a big bull out of a dark timbered canyon, YETI puts the pep in your step and keeps your energy levels at peak performance.
To learn more about YETI or to find out which MTN OPS Energy product is right for you, click HERE