May 2022 Challenge Winner
Jun 25, 2022
By Josh Riches
30 days ago I felt like a completely different person. I was tired, groggy, and constantly getting headaches. I’m a busy mom of three toddlers, run two businesses and felt like my body was holding me back in every way. 30 days ago, my bad habits were in control. Today, I’m in control. I’ve lost 18 lbs and gained so much mental and physical strength to now make my body work FOR me. I loved using MTN ops products to help boost energy and suppress appetite. My husband and I did this together and are so grateful to see how much healthier, capable, and active we feel. Making small decisions each day brought about big changes that have improved our quality of life in every way! We are so pumped to keep going and push for muscle gains this next month! I’ve always held myself back from strenuous hunts, but finally feel like i’ll be able to be in good enough shape to hike through the mountains and slay some big game this year! I am so glad I made the choice to take my life back. See you next month!
Clara's Favorites: IGNITE, BLAZE, AMMO