Ignite v. Yeti v. Yeti Mode: Choosing the Right Supplement to Power Your Needs
Feb 27, 2025
At MTN OPS, we know that one size does not fit all. Goals are as different as the people who set them. Whether it is summiting that first fourteener, bagging a trophy bull, or setting new personal records in the gym, they all have something in common. They all require energy.
Within our energy line, there are three main options: Ignite, Yeti, and Yeti Mode. Read on to learn more about the benefits of each and find out which one might be the right fit in helping you realize your unique goals.
Ignite: The Foundation
Every great product line needs a starting point and Ignite is exactly that. Ignite is the foundational formula of the entire energy line. The combination of 200 mg of caffeine and 5 g of arginine makes it a perfect go-to for any task that needs a boost.
The benefits of caffeine are not lost on anyone, but these benefits are much more than anecdotal. There is actual research supporting both cognitive and physical performance benefits.
Cognitively, caffeine has shown tried and true results. Doses as low as 0.5 mg/kg of body weight to 4 mg/kg/ of body weight of caffeine promote cognitive performance and support positive mood and energy. For those without a calculator handy, that is equivalent to 40mg to 320mg for a person weighing 175 lbs. Earlier work demonstrates that these benefits can even be realized with very low doses of caffeine (32mg) ingestion, less than what is found in common sodas.
Caffeine's positive effects on physical performance are also well-established in the scientific literature. In a 2021 position stand, The International Society of Sport Nutrition highlights that moderate caffeine consumption (3mg/kg of body weight to 6mg/kg of body weight) prior to exercise promotes physical performance. Despite these general recommendations, there is evidence of low caffeine consumption (2mg/kg of body weight) boosting physical performance.
For further physical performance support, Ignite has been formulated with five grams of arginine which supports nitric oxide synthesis and helps promote cardiovascular function.
These benefits are reflected in physical performance. Supplementation with arginine has been shown to help boost sports-specific and aerobic performances and protect against fatigue.
These benefits make arginine a fantastic supporting ingredient for caffeine. Together these ingredients help support the mind and body as you work towards attaining your goals.
If you just want a little bump and think 200mg of caffeine might be too much, give Ignite Lite a run. It still has the 5g of arginine to help support cardiovascular performance, but only has 100mg of caffeine, enough to give you a little boost in energy, but not so much that it takes you over the edge.
Yeti: The Next Gear
Yeti provides all the benefits of Ignite with 200 mg of caffeine and 5 g of arginine but has two added ingredients to help support your physical goals, creatine and beta-alanine.
Creatine plays a pivotal role in high-intensity activity and supporting lean mass. Creatine’s benefits are normally realized after what is considered a “loading phase”, meaning this ingredient has to be ingested regularly to elicit its benefits. Once loaded, supplementing with two grams of creatine has been shown to help maintain loaded creatine levels, helping to support the benefits seen with creatine supplementation.
Beta-alanine supplementation supports carnosine levels in the body, a compound that helps buffer pH levels in the body. Beta-alanine is similar to creatine in that it needs to be loaded into the body to help support high-intensity physical performance. Once loaded, continued consumption of beta-alanine can help support carnosine levels and high-intensity performance.
Yeti Mode: Reformulated to Retake the Top of the Mountain
At MTN OPS, we are constantly evaluating our formulations to ensure optimal support for whatever your goals require. Each ingredient is tested across an array of categories. Among them, efficacy according to the scientific literature and application in the field are the two most demanding.
Recently, glycerol, an ingredient that has been shown to promote aerobic performance through water retention, was put under the microscope. While the science was there, the field test was a different story. Glycerol caused clumping and made Yeti Mode unstable, ultimately causing the ingredient to fall short of the MTN OPS standard and was quickly removed.
Now, Yeti Mode is back at the top of the MTN OPS energy line with more of the ingredients that support your goals with nothing holding you back.
First, it has more stimulants, both in number and dosing. Caffeine has been increased to 300 mg. This helps get into the 3 g/kg of body weight to 6 g/kg of body weight sweet spot for cognitive and physical performance. Caffeine is backed up by another stimulant, theobromine, a metabolite of caffeine.
Like Yeti, Yeti mode is formulated with creatine and beta-alanine but, again, with more. Three grams of creatine and 3.2g of beta-alanine help support faster loading of creatine and carnosine stores and maintain the optimal levels that have been shown to promote high-intensity performance.
Compared to the other products, there are two other ingredients found in Yeti Mode that deserve a shout-out. The first is citrulline, an ingredient that aids physical performance by influencing nitric oxide levels like arginine. Doses as low as 2.4g of citrulline per day have been shown to promote time trial performance in trained men.
Finally, in the long list of ingredients added to Yeti Mode, alpha-glycerophosphocholine, or alpha-GPC, needs to be recognized. Alpha-GPC contains choline and acts as a precursor to a variety of neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, a crucial neurotransmitter for cognitive and physical function.
MTN OPS strives to support every facet of your goals. With three products supporting our energy line, every goal can be supported in a way that is specific to the goal and the unique individual that set it.
Get charged up and get to work.